Ana de Armas Is Confused On Why Her Movie ‘Blonde’ Got NC-17 Rating

Ana de Armas will be playing a primary role in an upcoming Netflix film Blonde which is about the life of the legendary Hollywood actress Marylin Monroe. 

Recently, she talked about how she is confused about the fact that her film received an NC-17 rating. 

These ratings are given by the Motional Pictures Association of America, and they usually choose to provide NC-17 when the particular movie contains some obscene sex/and or nudity, harsh language, or gratuitous violence. 

Also, need to know that this NC-17 rating is different from the R rating because age group 17 and below are allowed to watch an R-rated movie when they are coming to theatres with an adult. However, they cannot watch an NC-17 movie whatsoever. 

And talked about how she has no idea why her Netflix movie is getting such a rating, whereas there are movies with much more violence, nudity, or obscenity than her movie without this rating. 

Image Source: Popsugar

In her L’Offiecile cover story, she talked about this, saying “I didn’t understand why that happened, I can tell you a number of shows or movies that are way more explicit with a lot more sexual content than ‘Blonde.” 

This Cuban actress understands very well the kind of explicit scenes in her film are necessary to tell the story of what they intend to communicate to their audience. 

She adds, “To tell this story it is important to show all these moments in Marilyn’s life that made her end up the way that she did. It needed to be explained.Everyone [in the cast] knew we had to go to uncomfortable places. I wasn’t the only one.”

De Armas is popularly known for her movies like Knives Out, Knock Knock, No Time To Die, and Blade Runner 2049

When she was cast to play Marilyn Monroe onscreen, there was criticism towards the studio’s decision to choose her, mostly because her English has a Cuban accent. 

The actress, however, didn’t take this criticism to heart or affect her too much, instead putting across her point that her performance won’t be a precise imitation of her real-life personality. 

“I am proud to have Andrew’s trust and the chance to pull it off. I feel like whether you’re a Cuban or an American actress, anyone should feel the pressure,” de Armas added.

She indeed got support from the Marilyn Monroe Estate, where her representative Mark Rosen publicly supported this casting choice. 

Rosen said, “Ana was a great casting choice as she captures Marilyn’s glamour, humanity, and vulnerability.”

Image Source: TP

Just earlier, the director of the film, Andrew Dominik, reacted to the rating by saying, “I was surprised. Yeah. I thought we’d colored inside the lines,” 

The Blonde director continues, “But I think if you’ve got a bunch of men and women in a boardroom talking about sexual behavior, maybe the men are going to be worried about what the women think. It’s just a weird time. It’s not like depictions of happy sexuality. It’s depictions of situations that are ambiguous. And Americans are really strange when it comes to sexual behavior, don’t you think? I don’t know why. They make more porn than anyone else in the world.”

When Vulture asks the director whether Netflix is worried about the film and what’s their reaction to all this, he dismisses saying they have bigger fish to fry. 

He stated, “I mean, look, mate, Netflix is a big business with much bigger fish to fry than ‘Blonde,’ in terms of where they spend their money, They’re paying $400 million for movies. A little $22 million movie, it’s not going to break the bank for Netflix. They just want to get their sort of marketing plan in order, I think before they start rolling it out. Then we’ve got to work out how they want it to enter the world. It’s not going to come out ’til September. We shouldn’t even be talking about it. [Laughs] By the time ‘Blonde’ comes out, everyone’s going to be sick of talking about it.”

The movie Blonde is going to stream on Netflix on September 28 and apparently, this film is going to be the first NC-17-rated movie to stream on Netflix. 

Featured Image Source: Vogue

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